sabato 23 agosto 2008

Ringraziamenti (Acknowledgements)

Thanks Marco
Non possiamo che essere eternamente grati al nostro Trip Leader, ovvero Marco Panebianco, per averci fatto partecipare al viaggio dei viaggi.
Questa esperienza è stata per tutti noi davvero indimenticabile. In 16 giorni abbiamo percorso qualcosa come 450 (si, avete letto bene, quattrocentocinquanta) km di fiume. Il paesaggio, lo stesso fiume, e il modo in cui abbiamo vissuto insieme, rappresentano un ricordo che porteremo con noi per sempre. Il viaggio dei viaggi, non conosciamo miglior definizione di questa per descrivervi cos'e' stato per noi. Grazie Marco per esserti sbattuto per organizzarla, e per averci permesso di condividerla con te. Non ci dilunghiamo perchè sappiamo bene quanto siano superflue le parole, hai infatti avuto modo di constatare "sul campo" quanto abbiamo apprezzato l'averci fatto partecipare a questo incredibile viaggio

I ringraziamenti successivi sono in inglese per permettere ai ringraziati di poterli leggere

Thanks Clyde
We like to thank Clyde Nicely from NRS for the advise he gave us on how to update a blog from the river when in the Grand Canyon. We took his advise of using an Iridium satellite phone, which has a better coverage when in the canyon compared to others. Although we have been able to use it every day, we often got the signal only for a couple of minutes every 15 minutes or so. Enough for using it as planned, however. Clyde: I've also taken in great consideration your comments about being isolated from the group when writing the blog. I decided to dedicate no more than half an hour per day just to write the text. Then it took me a few days to select the pictures and edit the text, but I did it after the end of the trip. During teh trip, the blog was successfully updated daily by sending SMSs to the wife of one of us (Sabina Fon Caramella), since our Iridium phone was unable to send emails (that quite surprised me, but apparently it was due to the contract that our outfitter –Moenkopy Riverworks- had with Iridium). You can't read this blog because in italian, let me just tell you that the daily update was great for keeping informed our families/friends etc the mileage reached and that everything was going smooth

Thanks Dave Brass (US Airways)
We also like to acknowledge the customer care of Dave Brass from US Airways. We selected US Airways for our trip because the Company clearly defines the rules and the cost for carrying the kayak + paddles + gear aboard. When we came out of the Colorado river, we knew we could not go around Las Vegas or to Sequoia Natl Park carrying our kayaks with us, and our plan was to leave the kayaks in the Baggage Deposit at the Las Vegas Airport. But... but on the way to Vegas we discovered that its airport does not have a Baggage Deposit!
When Marilyn from Moenkopy Riverworks (our outfitter for the Grand Canyon trip) phoned USAirways and explained that 10 of the 16 italians that for the first time ever descent the Colorado river in a kayak, had the problem of finding a place where to leave the kayaks and the paddles, well, Dave came to help.

He was really efficient. He has been able to manage the situation in a VERY PROFESSIONAL and customer oriented manner. He managed to keep our kayaks in a USAirways deposit, and to deliver them to the airport the day we had to leave. Even if we were leaving in three different days! We have very much appreciated the way USAirways has taken care of us, and very much reccomend this company to kayakers who travel around the world. We know how difficult can be to have a kayak accepted at the check-in, and how impredictable can be the cost for carrying it with us. USAirways tells you exactly what you can bring with you, and how much does it cost. It also offers (this is our experience) an excellent support. If you have to travel aboard with your kayak, this is the Company of choice

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